Thursday, March 06, 2008

Holla! Couples are Split Up On Big Brother, Allison is Eliminated and Ryan Wins First Individual HOH

What a jam packed Big Brother episode!

As expected, the couples were split up on tonight, meaning it's now an individual game. Holla!

After Ryan and Allison were "evicted" from the house, the siren rang and the houseguests were forced to choose whether to eliminate either Ryan or Allison. Not surprisingly, the chose Allison.

In the HOH competition, the first individual one of the game, Ryan won, giving him a power he certainly hasn't had thus far in the game. It had come down to him and Adam, so I say thank goodness he won!

But the fun didn't stop there -- Julie Chen then announced that one of the eliminated houseguests (Jacob, Jen, Parker, Allison, Amanda or Alex) will be returning to the game -- and the viewers get to decide. Double holla!

I'm betting it's gonna come down to Parker or Alex -- what do you think?

PS. Despite the fact that this season has been full of drama, I'm thinking now is when it's really gonna get good. Thoughts?

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