It's coming down to the wire!
The first part of the final HOH competition is over (CLICK HERE to see who won), but I thought I'd take a leap ahead in time and try and predict who the Big Brother jury will vote for.
This is not as easy an exercise as you might think -- we're talking about a pretty petty group of people here, and since they haven't had the luxury of watching what's went down, their votes may still be up for grabs. Will Michelle, for example, be swayed by Dan taking her to the private island? Is there any way Ollie or April could forgive Dan's betrayal? Who would Libra choose in a battle between Dan and Memphis? Jerry and Memphis? The questions are endless!
Here are my best guesses (at this point)...please leave your thoughts in the comment section below.
Jerry vs. Dan
Libra: Jerry
April: Jerry
Michelle: Dan
Ollie: Jerry
Renny: Dan
Keesha: Dan
Memphis: Dan
Winner: Dan
Jerry vs. Memphis
Libra: Memphis
April: Jerry
Michelle: Jerry
Ollie: Jerry
Renny: Jerry
Keesha: Jerry
Dan: Memphis
Winner: Jerry
Memphis vs. Dan
Libra: Memphis
April: Memphis
Michelle: Dan
Ollie: Memphis
Renny: Dan
Keesha: Dan
Jerry: Memphis
Winner: Memphis
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Big Brother Final 3: Who Will The Jury Vote For?
Posted by
Idol Thoughts
9/10/2008 12:50:00 PM
Labels: Big Brother 10
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Very good predictions! The only one I DON'T want to see win is Memphis. He really did Keesha wrong and if Dan only knew about his deal with Jerry...
No way Memphis would win against Dan. Jury will wise up and see how Dan ruled the game. Memphis was just riding his coat tails.
I think Libra will vote for Dan. They talked a lot before she left. She told him that she would vote for the person who played the best game and who made the big moves. I think she will see Dan as that person. I think he will beat Memphis in Jury votes.
I would hate to see Dan win, he lied to everyone there, he was sneaky, and coniving. Some Christian! But then that leaves two, Memphis, please...he only won competitions that Dan let him win, and Jerry, argggh...what the hell, he couldn't win anything, I don't want any of them to win...Big Brother should throw a twist and have America throw the vote so that a Jury member of their choice sits beside the final two - so now we have three choices...I'd love to see Dan's face then...
I also agree that Libra will vote for Dan.
Not that I know anything, but I don't see eye to eye with the votes. The way I see it, Jerry will win if he even happens to be in the top 2 with Memphis or Dan. Dan has no chance in hell at this point with the jury and if Memphis ends up in that jury house and finally sees that Dan threw blame his way for Keesha going home, he may change his mind about voting for a "Renegade". The way I see it:
IF: Memphis vs. Dan
Libra: Dan
April: Memphis
Michelle: Memphis
Ollie: Memphis
Renny: Dan
Keesha: Dan
Jerry: Memphis
Jerry vs. Memphis
Libra: Memphis
April: Jerry
Michelle: Jerry
Ollie: Jerry
Renny: Jerry
Keesha: Jerry
Dan: Memphis
Jerry vs. Dan
Libra: Dan
April: Jerry
Michelle: Jerry
Ollie: Jerry
Renny: Dan
Keesha: Jerry
Memphis: Dan
I have April, Michelle, and Ollie voting pretty much the same way with whatever the outcome is. Keesha will be key because she said that she will not give her vote for someone who voted her out. She will not vote for Memphis if he makes the final 2. If Dan and Jerry make final 2, and Memphis comes in the sequester house and tells Keesha that Dan was behind her going home, she will not vote for Dan either. Keesha will vote Dan if he is up against Memphis in the end. I don't see Memphis getting votes from Renny after he voted out Keesha. The only way I see Ollie voting different from April is if Memphis and Dan make the final 2 and Ollie feels need to seek revenge on Dan by voting for Memphis. Libra is not voting for the old man, I'm sorry.
One thing that I think Memphis and Dan missed in the whole equation is that you can lie, lie, lie for a while, but you start being truthful after the jury starts to be formed so that you don't create enemies late in the game. Dan would have been better off taking Keesha to the end because that jury would not give it to her except for Libra, Renny, and maybe Jerry. Dan is not going to win this thing, though he could if the jury is as dumb as they have been this whole season. I want to see Jerry win so that it will teach the young bucks to come on future seasons of Big Brother that if you don't want the old people in the house, you better get rid of them FIRST! Memphis has played the perfect game in my opinion. Should he win the final HOH, which would be his ONLY HOH win, and with perfect timing, he deserves to win. I would be kicking myself if I was in the jury house and I watched Memphis slide through eash week without winning a single HOH, win the final HOH, and make the finale...hate him or not, he is deserving. That is all I have to say.
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