Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Top 12 Performance: Sanjaya Malakar

Do you think there is a support group for teenage boys and girls who made it too far in the competition and got butchered by the judges? Do they meet at John Steven's house or Kevin Covais' house, or do they hang at Carmen Rasmussen's pad? 'Cause Sanjaya has gotta get their phone numbers.

Okay, Sanjaya got a perm. I'm speechless.

So Sanjaya whispers his way though another performance, and its predictably painful, but like I said in the recap, it's somehow slightly more watchable than his last few performances. I don't know, if you can overlook the hair, and the spotty vocals, and the awkward dance steps, it's like...

Oh why am I even trying? Just terrible.

Grade: D

My Rankings, from best to worst: (Click on a contestant's name to read more detailed comments on their performance)
1. Lakisha Jones
2. Melinda Doolittle
3. Blake Lewis
4. Jordin Sparks
5. Chris Richardson
6. Phil Stacey
7. Chris Sligh
8. Stephanie Edwards
9. Gina Glocksen
10. Haley Scarnato
11. Brandon Rogers
12. Sanjaya Malakar

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