Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Top 10 Performances: Sanjaya Malakar

Okay, Sanjaya has officially crossed the line into the world of the ridiculous. He was close before, teetering on the edge, and now he is truly and fully there.

What is there really to say at this point?

The performance is absurd. He's absolutely terrible. The mohawk is an eyesore.

Yes, all of those things could be said, and they are all true.

What irked me most about Sanjaya tonight, though, was the fact that he seemed to be adopting the Vote for the Worst attitude and giving a big FU to the competition. He knows he's bad, he knows he shouldn't be there, and now it's almost as though he's making fun of the proceedings.

Perhaps I'm being a bit tough on the kid, but that hair? Seriously?


1. Gina Glocksen
2. Blake Lewis
3. Melinda Doolittle
4. Jordin Sparks
5. Phil Stacey
6. LaKisha Jones
7. Chris Richardson
8. Haley Scarnato
9. Chris Sligh
10. Sanjaya Malakar

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