Monday, January 07, 2008

Shocking or Not-So Shocking: TK and Rachel Saved By Non-Elimination on The Amazing Race

Going into last night's episode of The Amazing Race, I was sure it was going to be a non-elimination round. There are still a a few episodes left until the finale, and only one non-elimination leg has been used so far, so it seemed like a no-brainer that the last place team this week would be given another shot.

But then the editing threw me off!

As TK and Rachel arrived at the pitstop, more than three hours after their competitors, they started showing sappy interviews about how happy the mellow pair are with each other, and how pleased they are with the job they did on the race. It seemed like they were surely being given their "goodbye package."

And then Phil told them they were safe. Fooled again!

Here are a few other shocking and not-so-shocking moments from last night's show:

SHOCKING: Ron didn't scream at his daughter Christina during the whole leg!

NOT-SO-SHOCKING: That resulted in them doing better in the race. Imagine that -- getting along = more success!

NOT-AT-ALL-SHOCKING: Jennifer and Nathan screwed up their chance at a first place finish by bickering.

TOTALLY SHOCKING: They seem to have finally realized how negatively their fighting is impacting their ability to perform.

0% SHOCKING: The previews for next week show them fighting -- again.

A BIT SHOCKING: How well 68-year-old Don continues to perform on the race.

ALSO A BIT SHOCKING: What a great, patient grandson Nicholas his. His parents must be proud.

The poll below is a continuation of last week's poll. As of tonight (Sunday), TK and Rachel are leading the pack for favorite Amazing Race team. Let's see if after this week's show y'all still feel the same way. (Don't worry if you've already voted and have changed your can change your vote, too!)

We'll keep this poll going until the end of the season, and see if Idol Thoughts reader loyalty changes. Should be interesting...

Click for more Amazing Race

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