Monday, December 17, 2007
Which Favorites Will Return for Survivor: Fans vs. Favorites?
Now that we know the next installment of Survivor will be called Fans vs. Favorites, the question becomes...which favorites will return?
Jeff Probst announced last night that at least one contestant from Survivor: China will be returning, and I'd be shocked (shocked!) if he was not referring to James. The big guy was loved by nearly everyone who watched the show, and due to his Immunity Idol blunder he was prematurely voted off, so it's seems a bit of a no-brainer that he will return.
Who else will be back? Will it be limited to contestants since the last All Star version of the show, or is any contestant fair game?
Here's a few of the folks on my wish-list...who's on yours?
Yau-Man Chan
Earl Cole
Cirie Fields
Yul Kwon
Stephenie LaGrossa
Oscar "Ozzy" Lusth
Rob Mariano
Kathy Varick O'Brien
Tom Westman
Ethan Zohn
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I heard that it was Amanda from China. And they just finished filming about two weeks ago I believe.