The following quote is from former Grey's Anatomy star, and certifiable maniac, Isaiah Washington, to gay activist Keith Boykin, about the circumstances surrounding his firing:
“I’m not firing back at anybody else in the cast but T.R. Knight and Katie Heigl because they both know as well as Chandra Wilson knows that T.R. Knight was very tactical in trying to remove me from the show because he knows that I know, and I was gagged, that he has been working on a conspiracy to get Patrick Dempsey and myself off the show for the last year and a half. I know Patrick Dempsey has supported me by stating that if there is anyone that needs to be fired it is T.R. Knight because he has created such a negative environment on that set because he felt like he has not been treated and given the same leading man kinds of story lines. This is something that T.R. Knight has been trying to do and using the incident of the so-called F-word that was targeted at him, which is a flat out lie, to blackmail the writers into doing his bidding, and it’s not working. The producers are not happy about it, and quite frankly, they all think that something has gone awfully awry with the stability of T.R. Knight. And I can freely say this now because I am no longer a Disney employee and I am no longer gagged. But everyone there, including the producers, all the way up to Touchstone, are very disappointed in the behavior of T.R. Knight. All of this I’m saying to you has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that he’s gay. [T.R. Knight] he came out October 19 as purely a tactical move to do exactly what it did, get public opinion in an outrage to lead them to believe that he is being picked on because he is gay. He could care less about the gay community.”
This is wrong on so many levels, and only confirms that ABC made the right choice in choosing to terminate this lunatic's contract. His words here actually make my skin crawl. I'm sure T.R. Knight would like nothing more for than this whole gross incident to go away, but it looks like the more Washington tries to smear his reputation, the more likely it is Knight will have to respond in some way.
It should be noted that after the original "incident," Knight gave one (just one) statement to the media, and that was to People magazine -- "I hope the fact that I am gay is not the most interesting thing about me." It was only after Washington used the f-word again at The Golden Globes that the situation spiraled out of control. To suggest Knight orchestrated the whole thing to further his career is simply absurd.
Wrong, wrong, wrong.
You can read Boykin's interview with Washington here.
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