Another elimination, another surprise on So You Think You Can Dance.
Last week I was shocked when Ricky was sent packing, but this week it was the ouster of Faina Savich that left me perplexed. After a sensational performance on Wednesday night of the fox trot marred only by the shaky performance of her partner, Faina was shown the door last night after a less-than-stellar solo performance. Is it fair that she was eliminated when the only reason she was in the Bottom 3 couples was Cedric?
And speaking of Cedric, the judges certainly do seem to like him, despite the fact that he hasn't shown even the least bit of promise when it comes to partner-ing. Is there really any doubt he won't bring Shauna down next week as well? I mean, his freestyle is good, sure, but that's not all this competition is about. As a result, Jimmy was the sacrificial lamb. I feel a bit sad for the guy, but the truth is he wasn't going to get much further in the competition anyway, so if someone was going to have to take the hit for Cedric, it might as well have been Jimmy.
As for Shauna, she really did go balls to the wall in her solo last night, literally dancing as if her life depended on it. I haven't been a big fan of hers thus far, but I have to say she impressed me. Let's see if she can keep it up next week.
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My thoughts EXACTLY!!! I almost swore off watching when Faina took the bullet for Cedric. I thought Faina was by far the sexiest dancer in the competition. I don't think she was treated fairly to say the least.