I mentioned in my Top 12 Performances recap that Haley Scarnato seems to have been McPheever-ized since she made it into the Top 12. Thanks to TMZ.com, we've now got a side-by-side comparison photo, as well as an explanation for the similarities.
Dean Banowetz, American Idol's hairdresser (and the man responsible for introducing Clay Aiken to a flatiron) admitted to Los Angeles radio station Star 98.7 this morning that he did, in fact, use the same extensions on Haley that were used for Katharine last season.
For everyone who just got the heebie-jeebies thinking about re-usable hair extensions, Banowetz claims that they were washed before being applied to Haley. I'm sure Haley is very happy to hear that.
Mystery (if you can call it that) solved!
I read somewhere Kat might not be returning to idol because the sales for her cd haven't been doing so great. I don't think going on idol would give her much of a boost for sales anyhow she does a ton of tv interviews and no real increase in sales occur if people are going to buy her cd it won't be the AI audience but those who never saw AI.