Monday, March 19, 2007

Idol Thoughts on Dancing with the Stars 3/19

I have to say, I wasn't much looking forward to this season of Dancing with the Stars. I'm already deep into American Idol, I've got Amazing Race, Survivor, and Top Model, and it seems like the last season just ended, so do I really have time to invest in another reality show? Plus, Dancing has never been one of my favorites -- I much prefer So You Think You Can Dance (love it!) Don't get me wrong, I do like the show, it just usually takes me a few weeks to warm up and get into it.

So, I sat down to watch the show almost reluctantly. And lo and behold, it was entertaining. From the get-go. Like, really entertaining. I wouldn't have thought it from just looking at their names, but it's a really interesting group of people this year (and I'm not just talking about Heather Mills, who I thought I could care less about but actually found riveting). And somehow their dancing was more fun to watch this time than in years past this early in the season. Go figure.

So, I guess it's added to the list of reality shows. One more won't kill me, right? Right?

A few thoughts on tonight's show:

  • I loved his performance, but is it really fair that Joey Fatone is in this competition? He danced for practically 6 years straight in 'nsync, in front of huge audiences. I smell a ringer. On a related note, I LOVE that Kim called him Joey Fat-one. Classic.

  • Laila Ali is gorgeous, and she danced beautifully, but there is no way that girl is not on steroids. No female's voice is that low. There's no mistaking those breasts as belonging to anyone else but a woman, though. She certainly knows how to wear a dress.

  • How much plastic surgery has Leeza Gibbons had done? Kinda scary.

  • Apolo Anton Ono is the cutest! And he was a good dancer, to boot. I think I've got me a favorite...

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