Thursday, February 14, 2008

Watch Video of American Idol 7's David Archuleta on Star Search and Singing to Kelly Clarkson

If you've developed a little crush on 16 year-old American Idol contestant David Archuleta, you've got to watch these videos!

Here is footage of a very young David wailing "Who's Loving You" on the television show Star Search. Not surprisingly, he won!

Here's one of him singing to Season 1 Idol contestants Kelly Clarkson and Jim Verraros...

And here's a video of David singing "Oh Holy Night" at a Christmas recital last year. The quality of the video is terrible, but his voice is amazing!

What do you think -- will he add Idol champ to his resume?

1 comment:

  1. Ok, you know what, I'll admit it: I have such a crush on him. I love everything about him. He really could be one of the best males they've ever had. After seeing the video of him singing And I Am Telling You (before the movie came out, you know he's a fan of the B-way) to Kelly, I love him even more. He's like a combination of the best things about RJ Helton & Anthony Fedorov, leaving out their weaknesses or annoying quirks.
