Saturday, December 01, 2007

IDOL MADNESS Final Four: Clay Aiken vs. Bo Bice

This match is now over. Please click here for the results of the Final Four.


  1. I love Bo but I have to go with Clay on this one.

  2. Bo and Constantine were my favorites, I pick the rocker Bo!
    I don't get the fuss over Clay. sorry!

    Season 4 all the way!

  3. I really like Clay, but I love Bo a whole LOT more!!!

  4. Dang this is a tough one!!!! I LOVED Bo (and was my choice for AI4)!!!

  5. Will do anything for my sweet Bo!

  6. If you don't get Clay Aiken , no explantion is good enough , but if you do then no explanation needed.

    Get thyself to see Spamalot with Clay Aiken ...It's hilarious !!!

    When Clay first came on the scene he captivated me from deep down in his soul. It is just like Gladys Knight said , "THERE IS SOMETHING MAGICAL ABOUT YOU". Clay is refresingly unique and cannot be defined or put in a box. I love that he ecompasses so many qualities . He not only has the pipes of perfection, but one hilariously witty sense of humour as proven by his accolaids in Spamalot and his heart never stops giving having raised in excess of over a million $$$$ now for his philenthropic causes !! Clay is a bonified SUPERSTAR that knows how to entertain and leave his audiance begging for more !!

  7. There is really no contest here for me! Clay all the way!

  8. No comparison. Clays career says it all. 9 sold out tours, 3rd cd to be out soon and in a Broadway show, getting great reviews. If I were to pick a rocker, it would be Chris Daughtry.

  9. I love Bo, too (voted like a madman for him on Season 4, but Clay is my first love...

  10. I voted like mad for Bo on Season Four, but Clay is my first love.

  11. I think Clay has a beautiful voice, but Bo stole my heart. He is an amazing performer on stage and a beautiful soul. Just like Paula said.

  12. Love,love,love Clay Aiken!

  13. They are both so good. Too bad they're against each other. Bo, though, is the one for me.

  14. There is only one clear winner, and that is BO BICE!

  15. Clay is a good singer, but Bo is the one that rocks my world!!! Bo BIce all way!!!!!!!!


  17. Clay is so generic, I can hardly visualise what he looks like! Bo is hot, patriotic (just back from a tour with the troops), charitable to the very end and sings better than anyone I have ever come across. I feel sorry for anyone who hasn't had the opportunity to see Bo live! and he doesn't just spout lines either!

  18. Clay, Unicef Ambassador, Bubel/Aiken Foundation and various other charities. There's so much more to this man than his amazing voice. Anyone who has seen Clay in concert knows how witty and hilarious he can be, a true entertainer in every way. However, I don't get the point of a poll. Especially when people vote multiple times. It certainly won't change either mans career and life successes.
    That being said,

  19. EEK!!!!! I LOVE Bo, too!!!!!!! But...Clay is my numero uno. I voted, but the guilt is setting in!!!

  20. I'm more into modern music such as Rock, rather than elevator music such as Clay's... My favorites were always Constantine and Bo... So Bo, it'll be.

  21. Clay all the way, all the time, every time. Clay is awesome!

  22. Clay Aiken is the real deal!!! He will be around long after the other idols are gone. He's a singer, actor and a fabulous entertainer. None of the others can claim the same.

  23. GO BO, GO BO, GO BO!!

    I cannot even believe that we are having this discussion.

  24. How refreshing. The people who left comments are classy. Only one little snide comment. Everyone else appears to recognize that it is OK to like other artists or to enjoy both of them. I do like both Bo and Clay but Clay is my favorite.

  25. Oh this is a tough one. The only 2 guys I ever power voted for & 2 talented men who have to fight for what others are handed.
    But I have to go with my 1st love, Clay.

  26. It's Bo for me, baby! Talk about "magical!" If you've ever seen Bo Bice LIVE, in concert, it just doesn't get any more magical than that. Not to mention sexy, growly, gritty. And a humanitarian to boot! He just returned from touring Afghanistan and Kuwait. He is so supportive of our troops!

  27. Bo and Elliott in the FINAL 2. BY far the BEST 2 singers.

  28. BO is such a talent and seems like such a good heart belongs to Clay! Always and Forever!

    I do love the fact that all of us can vote/post and not be mean to each other. 'That's' the way it should be.

  29. Clay and Elliot the two best male vocalist ever on Idol in the Finals

  30. BO sings three notes over and over. Boring!

  31. Bo is a real sweetheart and he can really sing! However, Clay is my #1.

  32. I'm sorry but Clay just doesn't turn me on. Bo on the other hand is Hot! Hot! Hot!

  33. Well, this just stinks! The two best male singers to ever hit the Idol stage and here they are pitted against each other again.... Which one will I choose??? LOL!! I'll never tell!

  34. This is a tough one. I am picking Bo, but I L-O-V-E-D Clay's Bridge Over Troubled Water. My favorite Bo song was In a Dream. They're both AWESOME!

  35. Clay all the way he's a better singer. As for rockers I prefer Chris Daughtry.

  36. There is NOTHING boring about Bo! :)

  37. There is nothing boring about Bo Bice! He has fantastic talent, and is a great human being!

  38. I have loved Bo's voice from the first time I saw him on AI. No one can come close to his talent and his sweetness. Bo, Bo, Bo!

  39. I LOVE Clay, but I just never vote on internet polls. ALL fan groups spam the polls (ALL of them) and you will NEVER get an honest result. I have been hearing about these polls on this site and wanted to check it out though. As I Clay. Still not voting...

  40. Two of the most talented AI performers against each other. This really stinks.

  41. Have to go with Clay on this one! Never got the Bo Bice thing. Actually I never thought he was a 'real' rocker anyway. Rockers are more like Davey Havok and M. Shadows.

  42. I really liked Bo he has a very good voice and seems to be a good person. But so far there has not been anybody that has been able to take over that #1 spot in my heart from Clay, and I really dout there ever will be.

  43. Good Luck to Clay against the Yamheads.

  44. Well, we were doing well without snide remarks until the "Yamheads" comment. Both men are talented. You can have a favorite singer and vote but have respect for other peoples tastes. I haven't seen any Bice fan call Aiken fans any kind of name. There alot of people who posted here who like both singers but made a choice. Have respect for people will ya!
