Thursday, January 03, 2008

Celebrity Apprentice: To Watch or Not to Watch?

I'm having an existential reality television crisis:

Do I, or don't I, watch Celebrity Apprentice?

My gut tells me (a la Amy Winehouse) NO, NO, NO! I mean, it's Donald Trump, for goodness sake, the man who has somehow become reality TV's version of the devil incarnate in the past couple of years. I can't even think about the bastard without throwing up a bit in my mouth.

And what's with this Celebrity aspect of Celebrity Apprentice anyways? Has a show ever gotten so far away from it's original concept? When The Apprentice debuted, it was fascinating in that it brought real-world professionals into an environment in which they needed to be creative, use strategy, and prove their worth -- as business people. Through the years it lost sight of that focus, instead playing up personality conflicts (I blame Omarosa for that!) and gimmicks (the losers have to sleep in tents??) Now, it's a genuine game show circus -- faded stars trying not to be "fired"? Terrible!

Here's the thing, though -- there's part of me (admittedly the masochistic part) that still wants to watch. Let's be honest -- the real question is, will it be so-terrible-it's-delicious, or just flat-out terrible? Will it be intriguing to watch D-level "stars" like Marilu Henner, Gene Simmons, and the aforementioned Omarosa use their intellect and creative imaginations to at least "play the part" of sucessful business people, or just painful? I can't decide!

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