Tuesday, December 04, 2007

HBO Will Examine The Wire In Back-to-Back Specials This Month

The Wire has been called the best show on television. I'm here to tell you -- it's true.

I've only seen the first three seasons of the HBO drama, which looks at the different, complex areas of life in Baltimore (drugs, the docks, politics, education, and the media), but I can definitively say it is truly transcendant, featuring some of the best writing I have ever experienced on TV. And don't get me started on the acting -- it's first-class from top to bottom.

After a Wire blackout, I'm happy to report that we are in for a Wire bonanza! First of all, the fourth season of the DVD is in stores today (I've already got mine!), and the fifth and final season of the show is set to premiere on January 6.

Now comes word, via a promo on HBO, there will be two specials, which "sit down with the creators, cast and journalists to find out where The Wire's been...and where it's going." The Wire: Odyssey and The Wire: Last Word will air on December 20 and 21 (times not specified).

Back to Baltimore...I can't wait!

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