Friday, November 30, 2007

American Idol Judges Claim This Will Be The Strongest Batch of Finalists Yet

You know American Idol season is right around the corner when the judges start talking up the next season's contestants.

Simon Cowell, Randy Jackson and Paula Abdul told Extra TV that they expect this to be the best season yet. “This will be the strongest twelve we've ever had, and I've never, ever said that before,” Simon told the show. Paula agreed, chiming in, "We've never had a top twelve like we're going to have this season. "

Of course, the judges don't pick the Top 12, the viewers do, but that's neither here nor there.

Randy, as always adding practically nothing to the conversation, declared, “I think it's the best we've ever had.”

When asked by the entertainment show whether this season was capable of producing another Kelly Clarkson or Carrie Underwood, Paula responded, "I'm going on record: There's more than one,” with Simon adding, “Yeah, Kelly, Carrie – all of them. I mean, very, very strong.”

What do you think -- is this simply PR hype, or are we really in for a stellar batch of contestants? Here's hoping it's the latter that is true!

Source: Extra TV


  1. i believe them actually. I dont remember them being excited at all at the start of season 6 (which turned out quite weak), but they were very excited about season 5, which was awesome. and I also heard they wont have any (or barely any) celebrity mentors this new season, which should be an improvement.

  2. it could go either way...they have to say there is more talent and more personality....they are trying to get us to watch it....they aren't going to say, hey these people are boring and not any good...:)

    i did hear ryan say in several interviews that this season has the best looking and the best personalities of any season, and in my opinion if you have to tell me they have great personalities, they probably don't
