Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Pushing Daisies Picked Up for Full Season

Pushing Daisies will stay in bloom!

The whimsical ABC series has been picked up for a full season, according to Michael Ausiello over at tvguide.com. While I haven't completely given in to the show's charms, I'm glad a non-procedural is getting some network lovin'.

I also discovered this video of Daisies star Kristin Chenoweth singing "Hopelessly Devoted to You" on the show's second episode. The clip alone may force me to give the show another chance.

What do you think of Pushing Daisies? Too precious, or just right?


  1. So far, so good! It's quite charming. Lots of Broadway actors on their roster, including KC of course, and Raul Esparza (yay!), and Ellen Greene. :-)

  2. I'm with Isaac on this one! It's amaaaazing.
