Well, another season of So You Think You Can Dance bites the dust. As I wait for the realization that this season is really over to set in, I have to raise my glass and take my hat off (and any other mixed metaphor I can think of) to Sabra Johnson, a most deserving champion.
Yes, for most of the season I wanted Lacey to win, and in the past couple of weeks my allegiance had switched to Danny, but the truth of the matter is that Sabra personifies what this competition is all about. She wasn't the sibling of one of last year's most memorable contestants; she didn't have a dramatic backstory about a dying mother or a childhood accident; and she wasn't the loudest or flashiest contestant on the show.
Instead, Sabra danced, and she danced beautifully, with every single ounce of her being. She projected joy and passion and enthusiasm that never felt forced or fake. And she was versatile! Consider the styles she tackled: contemporary, cha cha, rumba, jazz, hip hop, quickstep, Broadway, and the list goes on.
So, hats off to ya, Sabra -- wear your title proudly.
Stay tuned for the Ten Best Moments of this Year's Finale
Click for more So You Think You Can Dance
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