Thursday, July 05, 2007

So You Think You Can Dance's Lacey and Kameron Are a Couple!

Well, they certainly have generated heat on the dance floor (especially in that hot Mia Michaels routine), and now Kristin Veitch from EOnline reports that Lacey Schwimmer and Kameron Bink have taken their partnership off the floor as well!

Yes, Lacey and Kameron are a couple. Thoughts?

Kristin also reveals that last season choreographer Shane Sparks and contestant Jessica were "working on some moves" as well. Hmmmm, very interesting...

Click for more So You Think You Can Dance


  1. Ever since the Mia Michels routine I wanted them to get together SO BAD!!!!

  2. I can believe that they are dating, they have great chemistry on the dance floor, I can't see why they wouldn't have good chemistry off the dance floor.

  3. YAY!!! I knew it would happen sooner or later. They are so hott together.

  4. awww damn!! i had a crush on Kameron he's so hot! she's lucky..anyhow, they're cute together!!

  5. Not surprised. You could see the connection in Mia's piece. I wish them the best. Kameron's hot. Lol.

  6. They're cute together! Now Sabra and Dominic need to be a couple, then the world would be right. =]

  7. i read in another website saying that Benji is confirming that Lacey is dating Hok, unless i see pictures no rumors or statements are true
