Friday, June 08, 2007
Isaiah Washington Fired From Grey's Anatomy
According to, ABC has confirmed that Isaiah Washington will not be returning to Grey's Anatomy next season.
Washington, who played Dr. Burke on the show, was, of course, involved in the "f-word" scandal of '06, and is apparently not very well liked on the Grey's set (at least according to Michael Ausiello over at In response to his firing, Washington released a statement quoting the film Network, saying "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore."
Huh? That's a pretty strange way to exit, if you ask me.
It seems like ABC has taken a look at the big picture and determined what is best for the morale of the show. In recent interviews both TR Knight and Katherine Heigl have expressed how happy they are that the season is over, and that they get a vacation from the set. If Washington truly was a disruptive presence on the set, and the TR Knight fracas was just one example of his unpleasant behavior, than it is right for him to go. Executive Producer Shonda Rhimes must have known that when she wrote this year's season finale -- Burke is not the chief, and he and Christina are no longer together, so what need does the show really have for him?
What do you think? Will Grey's be the same without Dr. Burke? Will you miss Isaiah?
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If he was a disruptive presence overall--then so be it....but I think the T.R. Knight thing was blown way out of proportion. That topic just so happens to be the "hot" topic of today so everyone is up at arms about it. That being said, the cast just needs to learn to play nice. I love the show but I'm disgusted by the fact that grown people making that much money to create a great show can't seem to get along.
ReplyDeleteI don't think that the show is going to be the same. They're going to need someone big to fill the void. Yeah, he may have been an ass, but I seriously can't picture the show without him.
ReplyDeleteI am actually glad he got kicked out of the show. I hated how he was never happy or sad.. he was always neutral. He my my least favorite.. But i am sad that Dr. Montgomery is leaving.