In an interview with TV Week, Ken Warwick, the show's executive producer, says that the disco genre didn't really suit LaKisha. He said that the different themes are designed to see how good and versatile the contestants really are, and while he had high praise for Jordin and Melinda's ability to sing different musical styles, he seemed to suggest that LaKisha's performances last night were a bit of a disappointment.
In addition, Warwick thought Blake did not make good song choices -- instead of the little known second song that he sang, Warwick thought he should have instead chosen "Jive Talking."
Warwick had no comment on whether or not the results will be surprising this evening, but based on his comments, it seemed clear he thought LaKisha was the weakest of the night.
You can listen to the interview here.
So what does this mean? The producers tend to tout surprising results (to encourage viewership), so, in my oh-so humble opinion, I think it means LaKisha is a goner.
What do you think?
I agree with everything he said. I think Lakisha will be gone tonight.