Friday, March 16, 2007

Idol Thoughts on Grey's Anatomy 3/15

I'm not gonna lie, I was a little mad at Grey's Anatomy for awhile. That third part of the ferryboat disaster arc really irked me...I felt used and manipulated and a little bit dirty with all that to-the-afterlife-and-back crap. So I went into tonight's episode a bit skeptical.

And for the first 10 minutes or so, I felt like my skepticism might be justified. There was barely a passing mention to the fact that the last time we saw Meredith she had just come back from the dead. Were we supposed to forget the fact that we spent a week wondering if they would really kill the Grey of Grey's Anatomy?

But then, it started to get good. Like, really good. And by the end it was kind of amazing. So I guess is all is forgiven.

Some highlights for me:

  • Katherine Heigl as Izzy. Sometimes I just want to punch her in the face, but then 10 seconds later I'm charmed by her again. Her drunk scene with the adorable TR Knight at the end of the episode was pure genius. And the expression on her face when she wakes up the next morning? Priceless.

  • Justin Chambers as Alex. I love that Alex is continuing to show new layers. I love that Alex's "hot date" was with the Jane Doe. I love the way he kissed Izzy sweetly on the cheek. Um, I kinda love Alex.

  • Shockingly, the Meredith and her dad stuff. Usually I find it all a bore, but tonight it was surprisingly moving.

  • The scene where Meredith and Christina are lying in bed, and the look on Sandra Oh's face. I really believed her when she said "I don't know."

  • Finally, I really admire Shonda Rhimes and company for not being scared off by the response to last season's George and Meredith pairing by really going there with Izzy and George. I can't imagine they could be a couple, but it will be interesting to see how the story plays out.

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