Thursday, March 15, 2007

Bye Bye Brandon: Top 12 Results Show Recap

For weeks now we've been hearing (or screaming about) how the girls this year on American Idol are far better than the boys. Tonight, the voters echoed that sentiment, making Brandon Rogers the first contestant eliminated from this year's Top 12. He was joined by Sanjaya Malakar in the Bottom 2, with Phil Stacey named the third lowest votegetter.

Okay, those are the facts. Now, for my feelings...

ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH! We were soooooooo close to getting rid of Sanjaya. So very, very close. It was like a cruel tease.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not sad to see Brandon go, since he just never made good on the promise he showed in his initial audition. But I would have happily accepted another "backup singer's backup singer" performance from Brandon if it meant we'd seen the last of Sanjaya and his ever-evolving coif. But no. Wasn't meant to be.

It will be interesting to see whether the Sanjaya machine has just simply lost steam and he will make his exit next week, or whether his "fanbase" will rally and save him again. Here's hoping it's the former.

On tonight's show we were also treated to:

  • A recap of last night's much-discussed "is he or isn't he" exchange between Ryan and Simon. Apparently the producers of the show thought it sooooooo funny it needed to be shown again.

  • A group number that clearly illustrated which gender is better represented in this competition. I particularly enjoyed the pairing of LaKisha and Sanjaya. I guess the producers do have a sense of humor after all.

  • A Ford commercial to a Modest Mouse song? Wow, American Idol is so indie rock.

  • A screechy performance from Diana Ross, where she repeated the same refrain of the song easily 12 times in a row. Is that the whale sound Simon was referring to on Tuesday night?

So, for the first time since Season 1 a boy gets sent packin' first. What other surprises does this season have in store?

Click to read Top 12 Performances Recap

1 comment:

  1. hmm, methinks you mean a "Modest Mouse" song. good recap.
